Greenway Trust Priority Area:
Use this guide to enjoy the breathtaking views within the Mountains to Sound Greenway National Heritage Area with a stewardship mindset.

Greenway Trust Priority Area:
You don’t need to whip up entire meals from your local green spaces to call yourself a sustainable urban forager. But what you do need is respect—for the land, the plants, and the traditions tied to them. Foraging is a vast world, reaching beyond just food. Plants have been used for centuries for dyes,...

Greenway Trust Priority Area:
Seattle has a history of complex and overlapping policies that maintained intergenerational wealth and power among Whites and excluded many Indigenous, Black, people of color, and immigrants from homes, schools, upwardly mobile jobs, and other institutions. Greater Seattle has been home to Coast Salish people for thousands of years. When the first White settlers...

Greenway Trust Priority Area:
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Salmon are an iconic species, inextricably woven into the cultural, ecological, and historical fabric of the Greenway NHA. Follow along as this guide explores each aspect of this species’ importance: their ecological value, connection to humans, and how organizations like the Mountains to Sound Greenway Trust support salmon population recovery efforts across Washington state.

Greenway Trust Priority Area:
The Teanaway River Basin, part of the Mountains to Sound Greenway National Heritage Area, is a biodiverse region with a history of both harmonious and destructive human impact. Logging and railroads, while innovative, led to the degradation of vital salmon habitat in the Teanaway river. Learn more about the history of the Teanaway...

Greenway Trust Priority Area:
Beginning in late summer through the fall, beautifully colored salmon and steelhead can be seen migrating upstream through the Yakima River Basin, all the way to the upper river tributaries and Cascade Mountain reservoirs, swimming thousands of miles to reach their spawning grounds. Many people enjoy watching these truly marvelous creatures swim upstream or...

Greenway Trust Priority Area:
This is the first of a two-part series about Orca Action Month. Head over to our friends at the Maritime Washington National Heritage Area for part two. Everyone wants to be graced by the presence of an orca at least once in their lifetime, and many will do whatever it takes to see one....

Greenway Trust Priority Area:
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The Mountains to Sound Greenway National Heritage Area is home to a huge number of trails that allow access to beautiful mountain tops, waterfalls, and shrub-steppe desert views. While trails provide us with opportunities to connect with nature in fun and meaningful ways, these trails and the people using them have an impact on...