Greenway Trust Priority Area:
This year marks a significant milestone as we commemorate the 25th anniversary of the Mountains to Sound Greenway Trust Education Program. Over the past quarter-century, we’ve had the privilege of guiding nearly 75,000 students on their journey to understanding and appreciating the environment.  Our mission for the Greenway Education Program is to inspire and...

Greenway Trust Priority Area:
Located just beyond a bustling road in Burien is Salmon Creek Ravine, a little-known green space that functions as a microcosm of Washington’s biggest environmental challenges, and an outdoor classroom that teaches youth how to meet them with conservation science.   Within the fold of this urban oasis, the hum of cars and buses is...

Greenway Trust Priority Area:
If you are a high school student who is interested in environmental issues but you aren’t sure how to level up your skills toward an impactful role, you are not alone.   Navigating towards a future career can be overwhelming, especially within the environmental sector where various career paths are still being created. Within this...

Greenway Trust Priority Area:
Fall in the Mountains to Sound Greenway National Heritage Area is a beautiful time of change and transition. The leaves are turning from green to vibrant hues of red, yellow, and orange; salmon are underway on their amazing journey from the open ocean back to their natal streams and rivers; and we are celebrating...

Greenway Trust Priority Area:
At the Mountains to Sound Greenway Trust, we believe that one of the most important requirements in building a culture of stewardship and achieving long-term sustainability of natural resources is educating youth. By helping young people understand the role they play in their local environment, we can empower them to be part of the...

King County Wastewater Treatment Division (WTD) was presented with the Youth Employer of the Year Award from the Governor’s Committee on Disability Issues and Employment (GCDE) on October 26, 2021. This award recognizes employers who make efforts toward inclusion of people with disabilities in employment. In a virtual celebration, WTD staff members Kristin Covey and Siena Ezekiel and...

Greenway Trust Priority Area:
This past summer, twelve high school students participated in the Greenway’s newest youth program, Equitable Green Opportunities for Youth in Highline – shortened to EGOYH (e-GO-yah). We launched this program in partnership with the Highline School District and Pacific Education Institute with the goal of inspiring and equipping students to pursue careers in natural resources, conservation, and...

Greenway Trust Priority Area:
Just off exit 20 on Interstate-90, a Tiger sleeps. And on a cold-wet day in fall, students stand in a circle at the base of the Tiger’s tail, listening to the sounds that fill the forest. I smile at the silent mouths, closed eyes, and attentive ears of the students. “We hear the sound...