We at the Mountains to Sound Greenway Trust share the anger and sadness being expressed across the nation in response to the murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Ahmaud Arbery, among the countless other tragedies and examples of racial violence against Black people in America. These murders and the persistent and pervasive institutional...

Like many folks who call the Greenway home, green spaces like parks and forests have always been a source of happiness for me. Whether it was going to Mercer Island when I was young to play alongside Lake Washington at Luther Burbank Park (whose cool cement-and-metal playground served as the perfect pretend submarine) or...

While many of us are sheltering in place, we have been giving a much needed break to wildlife in the Greenway.  Although we all miss and need nature in our life, nature probably hasn’t missed us  — our noise, our carbon emissions, our trash, our too many footprints penetrating deeper into the forests and...

Dear Governor Inslee, Thank you for your leadership during this unprecedented crisis for our region and the world.  We are writing today as a group of nonprofit organizations committed to conservation, recreation, and ecological stewardship of spectacular natural lands in Washington State. As the public health situation improves and you consider expanding the types...

With 2020 right around the corner, you’ve probably started to think about a few resolutions to make for the new year. Or maybe you haven’t, and that’s okay too! It can be overwhelming to think about everything you want to accomplish as we head into this new decade. The key is breaking your goals...

The clock is ticking as the U.S. Congress finishes its session for the calendar year. Two extremely important bills on the docket are S.1081 and H.R. 3195: The Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) Permanent Funding Act.

On August 6, King County voters will be asked to renew King County Prop. 1 Aka the King County Parks Levy. The Levy will raise $810 million over 6 years to keep King County’s parks, trails, and natural areas clean, safe and open; make smart investments in regional trails and new green spaces; and...

Greenway Trust Priority Area:
An important conservation funding source is up for renewal on the ballot this summer—mark your calendars to remember to vote!

Greenway Trust Priority Area:
If we make our voices heard a major highway improvement project could become a model for how a strong economy and a strong environment don't have to be mutually exclusive. Let's ensure that crucial transportation infrastructure and safety needs are met while also preserving the scenic character and recreation access of the Mountains to...