I had been volunteering off and on with the Greenway for a year when I met a volunteer named Amy Spens. She really inspired me to get more involved with the Greenway. At the time, I was a sophomore in high school and she was a senior. She had just completed an internship with...

Did you know that the Mountains to Sound Greenway is not only a beautiful landscape of working farms and forests, vibrant communities, and places to hike and bike but also a fun place to explore if you’re just itching to get out on the road and see something new? It’s easy to do along...

Have you heard of the Homeschool Stewardship Squad? They are a group of homeschoolin’ moms and kids who get together to focus on stewardship through volunteering. I had a lot of fun working with them earlier this month. This is a new partnership between the Homeschool Stewardship Squad, the Mountains to Sound Greenway Trust,...

Just this past week, the Greenway education staff was joined by a few Greenway board members for a tour of the Brightwater Treatment Plant. We came away impressed by our region’s efforts to preserve clean water and efforts to educate the public. Although not technically located in the Mountains to Sound Greenway (we made the...

Since arriving on November 7th, I have had a blast working with the Mountains to Sound Greenway. I am part of an AmeriCorps National Civilian CommunityCorps (NCCC) crew which is a group of young people, ages 18-24, who travel the west coast working with all sorts of different non-profits as part of their AmeriCorps commitment. There are...

Greenway Trust Priority Area:
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What a year to look back upon- the 20th Anniversary of the Greenway! Looking back at all the great work that was done in 2011 by partners, volunteers, agencies, and dedicated behind-the-scenes individuals, we take pride in what we have accomplished together. Take a look and see for yourself! We are honored to share such...

Joan Thomas 1931-2011 Mountains to Sound Greenway Trust Board Member Joan Thomas passed away on November 28, 2011. Thomas was a steadfast and hard-working champion of the environment, and she will be sorely missed. In addition to her work with the Greenway Trust, Thomas was a former State Parks Commissioner, a founding member of...

On November 3rd, my husband Mark and I traveled to Atlanta to accept the 2011 Cornelius Pugsley Award for my Dad and Greenway Founding President, Jim Ellis. The Pugsley award is a national award given to three people each year by The National Park Foundation and The American Academy for Park and Recreation Administration. What an inspirational...

Greenway Trust Priority Area:
I was in Ellensburg this past week for the Greenway Trust’s first foray into planting projects at Reecer Creek, a tributary of the Yakima River. Until October of 2010, nearly 4,000 feet of the stream’s lowest reach was confined by a levee. The Reecer Creek Floodplain Restoration project set back the levee, opened up 58...

It was the perfect fall day to celebrate. Sunny, crisp, and cool, several dozen citizens, many with dogs or bicycles arrived to join the Seattle Mayor’s office, Seattle Department of Transportation, Washington State Department of Transportation, Puget Sound Regional Council, Seattle Parks and Recreation, Green Seattle Partnership, the Seattle Police Department and the Mountains...