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Date & Time
Sunday, June 30, 2019
Event Overview
WSDOT State Active Transportation Plan Needs YOUR Voice! Active transportation is about giving people safe options for getting from one place to another using active means of travel such as walking, biking and rolling. The 2019 Active Transportation Plan will help guide and implement statewide investments and policies for increased access, safety and mobility. The survey will go through June 30, 2019. Every comment and survey response will help shape the final recommendations for policy, funding priorities and projects. The plan is scheduled for completion in December 2019 and you'll have a chance to review and comment on the draft plan, sign up below to receive announcements. Take the survey and encourage friends and family to do the same! The survey can be found here: bit.ly/WSDOT-2019-ATP Sign up for Active Transportation Plan E-News bit.ly/WSDOT-ATPlan-Surveys