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VIRTUAL Seeds for the Future Story Time

Date & Time
Monday, May 10, 2021
Event Overview
Celebrate seeds with us this month, sharing books from authors Carme Lemniscates, Arthur Geisert, Marsha Diane Arnold, and illustrator Ramona Kaulitzki. SEEDS by Carme Leminscates THE GIANT SEED by Arthur Geisert BADGER’S PERFECT GARDEN* by Marsha Diane Arnold and Ramona Kaulitzk *Council on Botanical and Horticultural Libraries Annual Literature Award Nominee, 2020 Story Time at the Miller Library Join us each month for stories and activities that celebrate gardens, plants, and nature! When the library is open, programs are presented one Saturday a month September through June, for children ages 3 to 8 and their families. All ages are welcome. While the library is closed, we present Virtual Story Time.