One of the Teanaway Community Forest’s five goals is to protect fish and wildlife. The other four goals, determined by a citizen advisory committee alongside DNR and DFW, are to protect the watershed, maintain the TCF’s role as a working forest, support recreation, and engage the community. The balancing act of these goals results in a forest with both active restoration projects, and fishing opportunities. Dale Bambrick can speak to both.
Dale Bambrick is a Washington native who’s lived in the Yakima Basin since 1979. Bambrick spent 37 years working on salmon restoration, and he’s been fly fishing for nearly 50 years. Despite having fished many storied waters across the west, he takes greatest joy in chasing small trout in wadable mountain streams with a small fly rod.
Join us at the Middle Fork past Indian Camp to learn about fish habitat and fishing in the Teanaway. Registration is free, but limited to 15 people, and those of all ages are encouraged to join us. Proof of vaccination is required for participation.