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Spring Native Plant Sale and Environmental Fair

Date & Time
Saturday, April 27, 2019
Event Overview
This spring’s theme is "Welcome birds and pollinators to your yard with native plants.” You will find the largest local selection of beautiful native trees, shrubs, perennials, and ground covers for sale that are ideal for Western Washington gardens and vitally important for our birds and pollinators. Native plant experts will dispense gardening advice and answer your questions about native plants. Past environmental fair participants have included: Bats Northwest, Rent Mason Bees, King County Noxious Weeds, Eastside Audubon, Puget Sound Beekeepers and more. Flora and Fauna Books will be selling native plant and nature books. Washington Native Plant Society members-only shopping starts at 9 am.! If you aren’t already a member, you can attend the member's only sale by purchasing an individual adult membership for $40 at the sale or on-line at https://www.wnps.org/store-membership/membership. Shop early for best selection. For more information, contact the Washington Native Plant Society at 206-527-3210 or visit our website at: https://www.wnps.org/cps-events/calendar/423. Proceeds from our plant sales are the main source of income for our chapter. We support chapter speakers, workshops, the stewardship to restore habitat in our parks, grants, educational outreach, field trips and more. Thanks to the work of CPS chapter volunteers and our customers, 2018 sales raised close to $36,000 for the Chapter. Some of the specific volunteer coordinator jobs that we need your help to fill or co-chair include publicity, volunteers, site planning, liaison with other agencies, hospitality, plant labels, and donations.  Please email our plant sale co-chairs: Nancy Bowen-Pope nhbowenpope@gmail.com or Yen Flanagin yen.flanagin@yahoo.com for more details and how we can find a role that best fits your interests and talents. With the help of volunteers like YOU, we will have our best plant sale ever. Where Mercerdale Park, Mercer Island, WA
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