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In Restoration the Preservation of the World (WA Native Plant Society)

Date & Time
Monday, November 9, 2020
Event Overview
For the past 15 years the Freeman-Leopold family has joined thousands of other volunteers and dozens of organizations in working to restore the Tarboo Creek watershed on Washington's Olympic Peninsula. Through triumphs and setbacks, the effort has passed a family legacy, originated by Susan Leopold Freeman's grandfather Aldo Leopold, to a 4th generation. Please register to attend this webinar presentation:  https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Gp3Jz7k3QvydAs4C4PgaDw This session will be recorded. Scott Freeman grew up in Wisconsin and received a B.A. in Biology from Carleton College. After working in environmental education and international conservation, he completed a PhD at the University of Washington on the evolution of blackbirds. He had a Sloan Fellowship to support a post-doctoral fellowship at Princeton University, then returned to the University of Washington as Director of Public Programs at the Burke Museum. He then wrote four editions of the textbooks Evolutionary Analysis and Biological Science and received a UW distinguished teaching award for his work in large-enrollment introductory biology classes. He is currently Lecturer Emeritus in Biology at UW and works as an ecological forester, habitat restorationist, and writer. He recently published his first book for a general audience, called Saving Tarboo Creek.
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