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Implementing the “Since Time Immemorial (STI)” Tribal Sovereignty Curriculum with Snoqualmie Tribe Teaching Tools Webinar

Date & Time
Tuesday, October 13, 2020
Event Overview
The Office of Native Education is honored to collaborate with McKenna Dorman, Governmental Affairs and Special Projects, and Jarrod Da, Education Department Manager with the Snoqualmie Tribe, and Mary Wilber, Coordinator, Native Education Coordinator Eastside Native American Education Program (Lake Washington, Bellevue and Northshore School Districts) to offer this teaching/training webinar. Schedule Welcome and Introductions: Webinar Overview; Participant Polls; Webinar Protocols Part 1: Overview of Snoqualmie Tribe’s History; Overview of STI curriculum Part 2: Introduction of the Snoqualmie Tribe Teaching Tools Part 3: Implementing Snoqualmie Tribal History – Panel Next steps and closing
  • Invitation to “Teacher to Teacher” webinars
  • Clock hours (2 free clock hours) and evaluation
Register in advance for this webinar: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_YFZMC5zDTneb-ypjg6m2IQ When you register, you will receive a confirmation email and personal webinar connection information. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Joan Banker or Laura Lynn, ONE, joan.banker@k12.wa.us or laura.lynn@k12.wa.us.
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