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Getting out the Vote: Native Women’s Perspectives on Building Civic Engagement

Date & Time
Tuesday, October 27, 2020
Event Overview
This year many will celebrate the 100th anniversary of women’s right to vote with the 19th Amendment. Passed by Congress in August of 1920, this amendment ended nearly 100 years of protest by guaranteeing women the right to vote. However, it did not grant all women the right to vote. Women of color, and specifically Native American women, were excluded from the protections of the 19th Amendment. Barriers to this right continue even to this day. Join this panel of Native American women for a discussion about voting rights and voter suppression from the viewpoint of the Native American community. This group of incredible women will share their experiences as Indigenous leaders and provide resources to help address barriers to voting in 2020 and beyond. This webinar series is part of an initiative to raise awareness of the 19th Amendment’s centennial and to “highlight stories of women who continue to shape the world.” Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/653367858938352 Panelists: - Lynnette Grey Bull, Northern Arapaho, US House candidate, WY At-Large and Founder & Director Not Our Native Daughters - Phefelia Nez, Navajo Nation, First Lady - Andi Clifford, Northern Arapaho, Wyoming State Representative - Raven Pinto, Navajo Nation, B.A. Political Science, Colorado State University - Savannah Romero (moderator), Eastern Shoshone, Partnerships & Programs Manager at IllumiNative