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Duwamish Alive! Day with ECOSS

Registration is closed for this event
Date & Time
Saturday, October 19, 2019 | 10am to 1:30pm
East Duwamish Greenbelt
Event Overview
Located in the East Duwamish Greenbelt, this open space is nestled between neighborhoods and industry - an area where green space is of increasingly high importance. This growing urban forest has the potential to offer enormous benefits for our waterways, wildlife, and humans alike. Urban forest such as this can capture urban stormwater runoff, provide habitat for migratory birds, act as a carbon sink in our growing city, clean our air, and mitigate for the warming effect of developed surfaces.But first, this urban forest needs your help. Starting in summer of 2019, the Greenway Trust and City of Seattle Parks and Recreation are partnering on this project to improve and enhance this natural area. Currently, invasive species blanket the this forest's understory. By removing these weeds, volunteers will open up spaces for native conifers and native understory pollinator shrubs to be planted and grow to better provide for habitat, stormwater mitigation, and long term health benefits of this natural area. Volunteers can expect to get their hands dirty, learn about urban forests in their neighborhood, and leave a positive impact on the land. All training provided - no experience necessary. Thanks for volunteering with the Greenway!**Remember to sign the e-waiver, link in agenda e-mail, prior to the event.** 
Age Restriction
Any participant under 13 years old must be accompanied by an adult.
What to Bring

For safety, volunteers are required to wear:

  • Long pants made of sturdy material
  • Sturdy, close-toed shoes
  • Gloves (provided)

In addition, we recommend that participants bring:

  • Warm layers, especially during the fall, winter, and spring
  • Rain gear
  • Big sack lunch
  • Long sleeved shirt
  • At least one full water bottle
  • Small daypack for lunch, extra layers, etc…
Driving Directions
Google maps: https://goo.gl/maps/LQVrd1vgHmv Carpooling and public transit is encouraged! If you do drive, you will park in the neighborhood adjacent to the site, there is no official parking lot to this site. Look for Greenway Trust event signs and staff. Directions: Follow I-5 S to South Boeing Access Rd in Tukwila, Take exit 158. Use the right lane to turn left onto South Boeing Access Road, continue straight. Continue straight onto South Ryan Way. In .2 miles, turn left onto 47th Ave South. At the end of the road, turn right onto South Victor Street, then left onto Beacon Ave South. You will reach the site in .5 miles, at the corner of Beacon Ave South and South Fletcher Street.
[47.519328, -122.277916]
Priority Area: