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Birdathon Field Trip Series: Rattlesnake and Christmas Lakes Bird Walk

Date & Time
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Event Overview
This field trip is part of Eastside Audubon’s Birdathon fundraiser. A donation of $25 or more is encouraged to support the conservation, education, and advocacy work of our chapter. This half-day trip to Rattlesnake and Christmas Lakes offers a variety of habitats for spring birding in the Cascade foothills near North Bend. We will have opportunities to see warblers, flycatchers, wrens, woodpeckers, swallows, ducks and raptors. The old red alders, second-growth conifers, black cottonwoods, wetlands and lake provide a variety of habitats and possibly some unexpected species. Make your gift online (https://conta.cc/2uWBSEr) or bring $25 cash or check day of event. Bring a snack. Meet before 7:00 AM at Tibbetts Park & Ride in Issaquah to carpool. Return by 1:00 PM. An additional carpool passenger cost/person is $6. Field Trip Leader: Andy McCormick, 425-518-0892.
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