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Birdathon Field Trip Series: Lake Sammamish State Park Bird Walk

Date & Time
Friday, May 17, 2019
Event Overview
This field trip is part of Eastside Audubon’s Birdathon fundraiser. A donation of $25 or more is encouraged to support the conservation, education, and advocacy work of our chapter. Join us for a memorable morning walk through Lake Sammamish State Park. This urban park offers a wide assortment of birds and habitats due to its varied ecosystems. The trip will involve walking approximately 2-3 miles. Dress appropriately (rainproof in layers; some of the trails can be muddy if wet). Make your gift online (https://conta.cc/2IccG5g) or bring $25 cash or check day of event. Meet before 6:30 a.m. just inside the main entrance, take the first left into the large parking lot and meet at the northeast end. A Discover Pass is required to park. Over by 11:30 a.m. Registration for this trip is not required, but it is appreciated. Co-leaders: Sharon Aagaard and Stan Wood. Call Sharon with any questions, 425-891-3460.
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