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All About Cisterns (Webinar)

Date & Time
Thursday, October 29, 2020
Event Overview
Rains are coming…learn about how cisterns help stop polluted runoff! RainWise, a City of Seattle and King County partnership, offers rebates for rain gardens and cisterns on private property. These installations capture water that falls on roofs and keeps it out of sewer pipes during big rain storms. Cisterns are also a great source for summer water! Nearly 2,000 property owners have installed RainWise rain gardens and cisterns and are helping to keep our waterways clean. Rain gardens require specific property conditions to work. When a property is too steep, too small, or has insufficient drainage for a rain garden, cisterns can be a great solution. In this webinar, you will learn about cisterns, large above-ground containers used to collect roof water. You’ll also get to hear about their benefits in Seattle, specifically how they help reduce combined sewer overflows and how they can be used for summer landscape irrigation. You will: • Listen to a short presentation on cisterns and the RainWise program, along with resources for those not eligible for RainWise, • Hear about a RainWise homeowner and their cisterns, with a short Q&A, • Have a chance to ask questions to cistern experts from RainWise. If you would like to check your eligibility for RainWise, please visit 700milliongallons.org/rainwise/eligibility-map/.
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