Greenway Trust Priority Area:
Hikers on the 25th Anniversary Mountains to Sound Greenway Trek wrote postcards to Senator Cantwell to thank her for her leadership in reauthorizing the Land and Water Conservation Fund.

Greenway Trust Priority Area:
In June, the Greenway Trust and Back Country Horsemen of Washington joined forces with the U.S. Forest Service to help maintain the Waptus River Trail, a beautiful hiker- and horse-friendly trail on the east side of the Greenway

Greenway Trust Priority Area:
Beach goers can now enjoy a beautiful new beach house at Sunset Beach, as part of a multi-year effort to improve Lake Sammamish State Park. The sustainably-crafted beach house is built with unique solar panels, rainwater collectors, planted rooftop, and siding of reclaimed redwood delineating spaces for community events, bathrooms, showers and changing rooms.

Legislation introduced in U.S. Senate and House today would strengthen our region’s high quality of life and celebrate its heritage of spectacular forests, rivers, and mountains on the doorsteps of cities

The recreation community has spoken loud and clear: it’s time to create the Mountains to Sound Greenway National Heritage Area. More than 3,000 hikers, bikers, kayakers, and climbers just signed the petition to designate the Greenway as a National Heritage Area.