Make a lasting impact in the Greenway with a monthly or yearly gift. Your recurring support will help conserve and enhance this landscape and improve our connections to the outdoors.
Monthly Gifts
Monthly recurring gifts provide you with a way to make a personally significant contribution to conservation and enhancement of the Greenway, without having to put forth a large amount of money at one time. For example, for only $10 a month, you would qualify for a Watershed membership, and all member benefits. It is a great way to stay connected to the Greenway all through the year! Donate now and select the monthly recurring option. At the end of the year, the Greenway Trust will send you a summary of all your gifts for that year.
Yearly Gifts
If you prefer to make an annual gift to the Greenway Trust, you can choose to set up an annually recurring gift. This is a convenient way to automatically renew your membership each year. Donate now and select the yearly recurring option.
If you have any questions or would like to edit a current recurring donation, please contact Mike Woodsum at