Gretchen Thomsen and her “boys” shared with us recently their plans to support the Greenway through a charitable remainder trust originally set up by the late Ted Thomsen— co-founder of the Greenway Trust, husband to Gretchen, and father to Webb, Keehn, Brogan, and Burch.
“Our parents had the forethought to enable extended giving as part of their estate plan. We think it’s a wonderful way to keep supporting this great organization,” says Webb.
Brogan includes the Greenway in his own plans, as well. “I learned from my Dad and Mom to embrace nature. On the Trek, or a hike, or a dip in a river, I feel the Greenway is really my church. That’s why I use and support the Greenway. I want to give now and in my estate plans so future generations can continue to enjoy the same beautiful places I do now.”
The Greenway is definitely a family matter for the Thomsens. “It is very heartwarming to me to join the boys in honoring Ted and helping to promote his wish to preserve this wonderful Greenway area for everyone to come. Establishing a charitable trust helped us to do this,” says Gretchen.
In honor of Ted‘s leadership in securing the future of the Greenway, and his lasting legacy as a Greenway founder, we are happy to inaugurate the Ted Thomsen Fellowship for the Future as the Greenway’s planned giving society. We thank our friends, the Thomsen Family, for their generosity, spirit, humor, and dedication to this special place.