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Mountains to Sound Greenway Trust Knotweed Treatment Program

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Mountains to Sound Greenway Trust (the “Greenway Trust”) provides knotweed control on certain properties along rivers and other waterways in King County. Services provided by the Greenway Trust include stem injection and/or spot spray of an approved aquatic herbicide on any invasive knotweed (Polygonum bohemicum, P. cuspidatum, P. sachalinense, P. polystachyum) found on the property (the “services”). These services are provided free of charge.

In consideration of my acceptance of knotweed control services on my property and by signing this Waiver and Release, I agree to the following terms:

1. Knotweed control project: I understand that representatives of the Greenway Trust will carry out the services described above as safely, efficiently, and completely as possible.

2. The Greenway Trust’s agreement to hold harmless: The Greenway Trust will hold harmless and release the property owner from any liability associated with injuries or damages occurring to any person rendering these knotweed removal services.

3. The property owner’s agreement to release: I will release the Greenway Trust (including its employees, volunteers, and representatives) from liability that may arise from my acceptance of these knotweed removal services.

Upon submitting this form you will be asked to provide an e-Signature. The e-Signature will then require verification via email to be complete. You will receive the email automatically.