The Mountains to Sound Greenway Trust Spring Fundraising Breakfast is a great way to support and learn about an environmental nonprofit that’s working to care for the beautiful natural areas that surround us. Join us before or after the main event (which runs from 8:30-10:30 a.m.) for a fun opportunity to connect with our mission in action and get to know some of our incredible staff members who carry out this important work each day. We are also offering a hands-on educational experience for youth during the main event.
Please be sure to RSVP for the main event (here) AND for your desired activity (below).

A (Bird) Walk in the Park
7:30-8:30 am
Join Executive Director Jon Hoekstra for a pre-breakfast walk through some of the park’s best birding spots, where you’ll learn about life on the wing by observing birds’ plumage, behavior, and songs. Geared for experienced and first-time birdwatchers alike, this activity is a great opportunity to appreciate our animal neighbors and enjoy the music that makes mornings in nature so special. Binoculars are nice to have, but not required!
Registration is full for this experience
Native Plant Nursery Experience
10:00-11:00 am
Get your (gloved) hands dirty in our plant nursery and take part in growing the healthy, climate-resilient forests that support people and wildlife in our region. You’ll help us care for young trees and shrubs as they await their final homes in urban forests, parks, and open spaces throughout the Greenway NHA landscape. Spring in the nursery brings tasks like potting yearling trees and protecting plants by removing weeds from inside their pots. This is a great opportunity for kids to see the role – and fun! – they can have in caring for nature.
Please note: Youth 13 years and under must be accompanied by an adult.

Issaquah Creek Restoration Tour
10:00-11:30 am
Join Kate Fancher, Greenway Restoration Projects Manager and Dan Hintz, Urban Forest Supervisor for the City of Issaquah, to hear how the Greenway Trust and Washington State Parks have worked together to improve salmon habitat within Lake Sammamish State Park. You’ll see the results of over 15 years of restoration efforts during a 2-mile walk along Issaquah Creek, and learn why native trees and vegetation are so critical to improving water quality and wildlife habitat. We will also share more about our upcoming plans to restore instream habitat with large woody material.
Registration is full for this experience
Middle Fork Valley Hike
10:30 am-2:30 pm
Join Mike Stenger, Recreation Projects Manager to explore the Greenway Trust’s recreation and conservation success stories in the Middle Fork Snoqualmie Valley. You’ll enjoy a refreshing walk around the Oxbow Loop Trail and see real-world examples of how we’re balancing the valley’s healthy natural ecosystems with opportunities to safely explore this incredible wilderness.
Come for the sustainable trail design, stay for the sweeping mountain views, crisp rainforest air, and lunch to the soundtrack of a rushing river!
Difficulty: Easy
Length: 1.8 miles roundtrip
Elevation gain: 60 feet