Learn about the history of the Mercer Slough and the surrounding area with the Eastside Heritage Area. Read “A Short History of Bellevue” for a quick and interesting overview of the surrounding area and learn where Mercer Slough got it’s name.
Over 7 miles of trails to explore by foot and or water trail in this 320 acre park. Rent your own kayaks or canoes at Enatai Beach to explore the serene waters of the Slough or enjoy a Guided Canoe Tour. Explore the beautiful Mercer Slough Nature Park with a map. The nearby Bellevue Botanical Garden offer another great strolling opportunity through inspiring, thriving gardens, woodlands, and wetlands.
Arts, Shopping, and Food
Practically right next door to Mercer Slough is a wide variety of shopping and dining opportunities in downtown Bellevue. May through October visit the Bellevue Farmers Market on Thursdays.
Visit the Mercer Slough Environmental Education Center to learn about the wildlife and plants in the Mercer Slough and check out their guided Ranger Programs. You can even celebrate a child’s “Wild B’Earthday” party with different wetland themes.