The East Cascades Recreation Partnership (ECRP) formed in recognition that lands open to public recreation in the Upper Yakima Basin face increasing recreational demand that land managers simply do not have the resources to meet. Coupled with growing recreational use and stagnant or decreasing management budgets, the region is unprepared to deal with such pressures and needs to chart a new path forward to prepare for the future. The Greenway Trust facilitates the two arms of the ECRP, which are:

- The Land Managers’ Consortium, comprised of decision-makers and managers of lands open to the public in Kittitas County. The LMC is guided by Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) that establishes roles and responsibilities.
- The Recreation Forum, which brings together representatives from our county’s outdoor enthusiast communities to seek collaborative solutions to recreational issues facing lands open to public recreation.
The Greenway Trust coordinates the groups separately and in partnership with one another, working with public land managers and recreators to assess access opportunities and recreation needs, facilitate implementation of projects, and champion education and outreach efforts in a manner that sustains the health and resilience of Kittitas County’s natural resources.