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You Flushed What!? (Middle School)

Date & Time
Tuesday, June 9, 2020
Event Overview
What happens to pee, poop, TP or even cell phones when they get flushed? Want to learn what you can do to protect our water? Join us for a virtual behind the scenes tour of our water systems. Recommended materials for experiments: Dirty Water Experiment- 2 bowls, 2 cups of water, large cup, one paper towel, small cup of dirt, liquid soup, salt, strainer or colander, kitchen spoon, coffee filter, sponge, rubber band. Flushable Experiment- 2 Tupperware containers with lids, a filled water bottle or pitcher, two segments of toilet paper and one paper towel. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/you-flushed-what-middle-school-tickets-106420171598