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Wilderness Chaplains Fundraiser

Date & Time
Saturday, April 13, 2019
Event Overview
Dru Bru is excited to be hosting the Wilderness Chaplains for a fundraiser event all day Saturday April 13th. There will be a raffle with donations from local shops, recruiters from local rescue organizations, a moulage artist (you can get your own fake wound/injury as used in first aid training), gear displays, local authors with book signings and more! $1 of every pint sold throughout the day will be donated directly to the Wilderness Chaplains. Who are the Wilderness Chaplains? "Chaplaincy skills and critical incident response are desperately needed in remote environments. Unfortunately, these services are rare and long, intensive days may elapse before wilderness first responders can access resources for themselves, their teams, and the people they respond to. As outdoor recreation usage grows, greater demands are being placed on rescue organizations, and their largely non-profit and volunteer-based members are being exposed to more stress and trauma than ever before. Wilderness Chaplains was established to meet the needs of these organizations by providing critical incident stress training, crisis support, and wilderness-ready chaplains." For more information go to wildernesschaplains.org