Uncovering the Mysteries of Wastewater Treatment (High School)
Date & Time Thursday, June 11, 2020
Event Overview
Have you ever wondered what happens to the water we use each day? Hint: there’s a complex system of engineering and science involved that most people don’t know about. In this lesson, we will reveal the hidden world of wastewater treatment through a mix of interactive activities and conversations.
Recommended materials for experiments:
Flushable Experiment - 4 Tupperware containers filled ½ with water + lids, 2 segments of toilet paper, 1 paper towel, 1 tissue and 1 wipe (baby/cleaning)
Biogas Experiment - an empty bottle (plastic or glass), 2 tsp baking yeast, 3 tsp sugar, 1 cup of warm water, a non-inflated balloon