Our local orcas are endangered, but it’s not too late! There is plenty we can do to save them. Orca Recovery Day occurs every fall and is your opportunity to join with your local Conservation District and other partner organizations and work to recover our critically endangered Orca whales. Orca Recovery Day is a region-wide effort – last year more than 70 organizations across 3 states participated!
Covid-19 has changed a lot about how we organize and work to better our environments. Conservation Districts and our partners are working on ways to keep people safe while still holding this important annual event.
2020 Orca Recovery Day EcoChallenge
#OrcaRecoveryDay is October 17, 2020, but we’re hosting an EcoChallenge from October 5 – November 5. What is an EcoChallenge? It’s a great way for you to join with friends, neighbors, and community to take actions that improve our natural environment. Sign up for King Conservation District’s team or create your own team, commit to take positive environmental actions, and earn points for your team!
Join the EcoChallenge: orcarecoveryday.ecochallenge.org/dashboards/teams/king-conservation-district