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Free Avalanche Awareness Class from NWAC & Patagonia

Date & Time
Wednesday, January 30, 2019
Event Overview
As outdoor enjoyers, often times we find ourselves longing for more- more terrain, more powder, more adventure. Although this is a normal urge to have, we at evo believe you should be prepared for the backcountry. This is why we teamed up with the Northwest Avalanche Center to bring this avalanche education and backcountry awareness class to our Seattle store on Wednesday, January 30. All attendees will be entered to win a Snowdrifter Pack from Patagonia. Program length is 1-2 hours. Specific programs are in place for middle and high schools, motorized (snowmobile) users, non-motorized (skier, snowboarder, snowshoer) and mixed user groups. All courses taught are AIARE (American Institute for Avalanche Research and Education) approved. No prior experience is needed, just the willingness and interest in building a foundation on snow safety education.