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Clearing Paths, Creating Access (Burke Museum)

Date & Time
Monday, October 26, 2020
Event Overview
A conversation with James Pepper Henry & Dr. Lisa D. White Today’s museums create tomorrow’s scholars, scientists and artists, but those pathways are not always clear for Black and Brown kids. Having a role model who looks like you to show you the way can be life-changing. Join the Burke Museum for a conversation with trailblazing museum leaders about how we can do more to provide the access that shows kids the road and offers the support needed to succeed. We are honored to welcome James Pepper Henry (Kaw Citizen, Muscogee Creek), Director/CEO, First Americans Museum Oklahoma, and Dr. Lisa D. White, Director of Education at the Museum of Paleontology at the University of California, Berkeley to share their stories in a conversation moderated by Dr. Alvin Logan, Burke Museum Director of Education. Gratitude, healing and a special opportunity to support access to the Burke’s educational programs will be led by Polly Olsen (Yakama), Burke Museum Tribal Liaison. Register: https://www.burkemuseum.org/clearing-paths-creating-access/register