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Career Event: Jobs for Clean Water

Date & Time
Saturday, April 27, 2019
Event Overview
Interested in jobs that protect human health and the environment? Join the King County Wastewater Treatment Division for a job-shadowing event to explore careers in clean water. Staff members will be leading short, hands-on sessions to demonstrate the details of their job and share the steps needed to get hired. Examples of careers represented: • STEM: Civil Engineer, Environmental Engineer, Water Quality Analyst • Trades: Electrician, Treatment Plant Operator, Mechanic • Communications: Community Relations, Environmental Educator, Project Manager This is one of three events offered:
  • March 26 from 4:30-7pm at King Street Center (Seattle) Register
  • April 27 from 10am-1pm at Brightwater Center (Woodinville) Register
  • May 5 from 10am-1pm at South Treatment Plant (Renton) Register
These events are for young people between the ages of 14-19. They are free to attend and snacks will be provided. To see all King County Wastewater events and register, go to: tinyurl.com/wweducationevents For more information, please email Kristin Covey: kristin.covey@kingcounty.gov Reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities can be arranged by calling 206-263-8856.