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Annual Holiday Beach Party and Lighted Boat Parade

Date & Time
Saturday, December 2, 2017
Event Overview
Bring your family and friends at 4:30 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 2 for the annual holiday bonfire and beach party at Sunset Beach at Lake Sammamish State Park where Issaquah Singers will lead holiday caroling, we will view the lighted holiday boat parade and you can roast a marshmallows. Beach bonfires will keep us warm on the outside while complimentary hot chocolate will keep us warm on the inside. Wear warm clothes, sturdy shoes and gloves and bring a flashlight or headlamp and possibly a chair. All are welcome! The event is free but bring your Discover Pass for parking. If the weather presents a challenge, we will post updates at: LakeSammamishFriends.org or at the Friends of Lake Sammamish State Park Facebook page. The lighted boat parade is organized by Lake Sammamish Yacht Club. If you are a boat owner and would like to participate, call 425-449-0070 or email Jim.Mackey@gmail.com.
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