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Birding 101: Spring and Summer Birds

Date & Time
Tuesday, April 23, 2019
Event Overview
Birding can be great fun but frustrating until you become familiar with the local birds and learn the skills that expert birders use. Eastside Audubon will kick-start your abilities by covering their techniques to separate and narrow identifications. Size and shape, color patterns, behavior, habitat, and sounds all play a key role in helping identify species. The focus will be on common birds likely to be found in Western Washington during the spring and early summer. Slides and field trips will allow you to practice these skills. We will spend time on bird songs, too. We will cover the hardest birds early in the course so there will be lots of time for review.
  1. Flycatchers, Woodpeckers, Vireos, Jays, Swallows, Chickadees, Wrens
  2. Thrushes, Starlings, Waxwings, Finches, Sparrows, Warblers, Blackbirds
  3. Waterbirds: Ducks, Coots, Grebes, Ducks, Geese, Swans, Cormorants
  4. Gulls, Terns, Shorebirds, Hawks, Falcons, Eagles, Vultures
The goal is to help you learn 100 species that you might see in Western Washington during a trip to a local park, wetland, or natural area. Thomas Bancroft will offer several walks at local parks. Morning field trips will go to Foster Island-UW Arboretum, Union Bay-Montlake Fill, Marymoor Park, and Stillwater Wildlife Area. One all-day field trip to the Grays Harbor area to look for shorebirds as well as land birds. Class Meeting Schedule (Classes will meet from 7 PM to 9 PM) Tuesday, April 23 and 30 Tuesday May 14 and 21
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