Three Cheers for Three Pointers by the Seattle Storm
Did you know? Our own Seattle Storm, the 2010 WNBA CHAMPIONS (ahem!) support the Greenway? Not only the team but their supporters and fans are pledging to “Go Green” as part of a year-round effort to green the team’s operations and inspire its fans to make environmentally-friendly choices. What is known as “3s For Trees” – whenever a Storm player scores a three-point shot, the team pledges to plant a tree in the Mountains to Sound Greenway, sponsored by Carter Subaru. In 2010, they planted 363 trees in the Greenway- 54 of those trees just from their playoff games alone! Did you also know that every time you test drive a car at either Carter Subaru Ballard or Shoreline, a tree gets planted in the Greenway? Seems like a good idea to me if you’re looking for a new car!