SnoValleyUnited: strengthening local economies, raising quality of life
“Imagine 20 years from now: the Snoqualmie River Valley is a renowned destination for its economically thriving rural cities, local food production, agritourism, ecotourism and outdoor recreation…”
These words from City of Duvall Councilmember, Jason Walker capture the driving spirit behind SnoValleyUnited – a grassroots, bipartisan effort to develop a common vision and brand for the Snoqualmie River Valley.
Like Jason, those of us who live in the Snoqualmie River Valley know how incredible this place is. Now it’s time to share that even more broadly. “I want people to come, taste, smell, shop, engage, and enjoy this special place,” says Cindy Krepky, owner of Dog Mountain Farm in Carnation. “I also want to preserve the essence of the Valley. That’s why I believe the SnoValleyUnited effort is so critical.”
A common brand will raise the profile of the Snoqualmie River Valley as a whole, encourage more visitors and residents to support local businesses and farms, and ultimately strengthen our economy. Plus, developing a shared vision for the region will bring our community together – urban and unincorporated areas, farms and heritage, local businesses and community. In fact, it’s already begun!
All three Chambers of Commerce- Duvall, Carnation and Snoqualmie Valley- along with the cities of Duvall, Carnation, and Snoqualmie and over 40 local businesses, farms, arts, heritage and community groups have all endorsed the idea of creating a common regional vision.
“SnoValleyUnited is the first step towards a unified direction for all of us here in the Snoqualmie River Valley,” says Luke Talbott, Owner of Compass Outdoor Adventures in Snoqualmie. “The Snoqualmie River Valley is an epic landscape with amazing scenery, fantastic recreation, and exhilarating adventures. With a common vision united by business owners, state and local land use agencies, and recreational outfitters, we can help to create a unique experience for locals and travelers alike.”
The SnoValleyUnited effort is modeled after Oregon’s successful “Rural Tourism Studio,” which has been adopted by eight regions across the state. Each region developed a shared vision and expanded niche tourism markets such as outdoor recreation, agritourism, cultural heritage, bicycling, and birding. This created a wider variety of options for visitors and residents, and increased revenue for local businesses.
Please join the effort!
Local businesses, farms, heritage, arts and community groups can show their support for this effort by endorsing SnoValleyUnited’s proclamation.
To endorse please send your logo to Jennifer McKeown.
Stay in the loop
Over the next 18 months we will be organizing a series of workshops to develop a common vision for the region and provide sustainable tourism and niche market trainings. We want to create sessions that meet YOUR needs and will be asking for input and inviting you to participate.
To stay in the loop and receive occasional SnoValleyUnited emails, please contact Jennifer McKeown.