One step closer to an official Greenway
Thanks to legislation introduced by U.S. Congressman Dave Reichert, we are one step closer to an official Mountains to Sound Greenway.
The area from Seattle, over the Cascades, to central Washington surrounding Interstate 90 is a special part of our region, indeed our country.
It’s a treasured landscape of mountains, forests, rivers and streams, unparalleled places for recreation, a trove of the region’s history and culture, and an inviting setting where nature is yet alive and people can also live, work and visit.
For 20 years, the Mountains to Sound Greenway Trust has brought together citizens, agencies and businesses to secure the richest possible future for this area: saving and protecting its natural resources, promoting its opportunities for recreation and education, and encouraging sustainable growing communities.
Today the Greenway Trust is hard at work with many others in a coalition built around places and people – citizens, civic bodies and business – with an important goal: that Congress formally make this a National Heritage Area under the broad ambit of the country’s National Park Service, which would put this treasure in the same league as some equally special locations around the country.
What is a National Heritage Area? It’s not a national park. It’s a special but varied place where people live and work in a nationally-significant landscape of natural, cultural and historic value. It’s a place where people make extra efforts both for conservation of landscape, history and local culture and for sound economic development. Becoming a National Heritage Area is a great step for bringing more collaboration, more energy, more focus – and even more success of the kinds already achieved by the Mountains to Sound Greenway Trust and many partners – to this priceless place.