Middle Fork NRCA
Commissioner of Public Lands Peter Goldmark designated the new Middle Fork Snoqualmie Natural Resources Conservation Area (NRCA). The river valley was identified as ecologically distinguished, featuring patches of natural-origin forests, important fish and wildlife habitat, and scenic views.
This natural area, with 10,273 acres within its proposed boundary, is nested along Interstate 90, and flanked by the Mount Si NRCA and federal forests and offers wildlife corridors for many large and small animal species alike.
“I have designated this new Middle Fork NRCA which has higher elevation old forests and connects valuable wildlife corridor across a broad landscape,” said Commissioner Goldmark. “In addition, the new NRCA will offer scenic views and low impact public use in the Mountains to Sound Greenway close to ever more populated metropolitan areas.”The Washington State Department of Natural Resources, the Middle Fork Outdoor Recreation Coalition and many individuals and organizations within the Greenway Trust coalition have worked for decades to turn the once-lawless Middle Fork Valley into a safe, accessible place for families, hikers, kayakers, rafters and fishers.
Located just east of Mt. Si in the heart of the Mountains to Sound Greenway, lands within the new NRCA are ecologically rich, featuring forested slopes, scenic views and important fish and wildlife habitat along the Middle Fork of the Snoqualmie River. The new Middle Fork NRCA is on the east side of the river, while the Mt. Si NRCA has been recently expanded to the river bank on the west side.
The new NRCA was signed into being at the annual Greenway celebration in Seattle on December 2nd, 2009. All four Commissioners of Public Lands who have held public office since the founding of the non-profit Mountains to Sound Greenway Trust were in attendance: Brian Boyle, 1982-1992; Jennifer Belcher, 1993-2000; Doug Sutherland, 2001-2008 and Goldmark.