Fifth Grader Feedback
In late October, Valhalla Elementary students traveled to Tiger Mountain for a field study trip with educators from the Greenway Trust.
The focus of our study was “What makes a healthy forest/stream environment for salmon?”
Students measured water quality, mapped the riparian zone, counted macro invertebrates and had an opportunity to explore the forest.
We were delighted to receive the following letters from Alexa M and Rayonna with feedback from the field study trip.
Keep reading to learn about the Greenway’s educational experience through the eyes of a fifth grader in letters to two of our educators.
Dear Allie,
Thank you for all you did on our field trip. The field trip was really fun but my favorite part was when we studied the water quality and when I went down in the stream to get water for my group. When we showed our results on what we did in our groups it was fun but hard. I really liked when I learned that water quality is really important to fish. I really liked the field trip. I wish I could go again with you.
Alexa M. 5th grade student
Dear Clarissa,
Thank you so much for teaching us more about salmon. I had so much fun. I was really happy we got to go. My favorite part was eating lunch under trees. I thought you were a great guide because you explained things clearly and you gave us good examples.
I loved how we were in the woods observing things every stop we had. I liked the city bus ride there and back. The whole field trip was fun even though it was raining.
The thing I liked was the banana slug and the licorice fern. I liked how you showed us the river behind the trees. I thought it was cool. See you next time.
Thanks to Alexa, Rayonna and Ms. Bergstrom for sharing!
Happy holidays from all of us at the Greenway Trust. If you want to share your thoughts on the Greenway and what it means to you, write us at