Carter Subaru/VW: Planting a Forest, One Test Drive at a Time

Carter Subaru/VW and the Mountains to Sound Greenway – a Great Partnership!
Thanks to Carter Subaru/VW, native trees planted in the 2008, 2009 and 2010 planting seasons are taking root in public parks and forests:
- Lake Sammamish State Park
- Three Forks Natural Area in Snoqualmie
- Locust Wetland in Issaquah
- Snoqualmie Point Park
- Along Issaquah Creek
- Middle Fork Snoqualmie River Valley
“Carter Subaru/VW is making a significant contribution to the health of people, and of Greenway forests and their ability to absorb carbon dioxide. Forests reduce storm water runoff, clean carbon and pollutants out of the air, provide salmon and other wildlife with critical habitat, control soil erosion and increase property values. We are very grateful to Carter for their efforts to beautify our region.”
– Cynthia Welti, Executive Director Mountains to Sound Greenway Trust
Over 15 species of native trees are being planted, including Western redcedar, Douglas fir, Grand fir, Sitka spruce, Red alder, Black cottonwood, Big leaf maple and Western hemlock.
Support from Carter Subaru, Carter Subaru Ballard and Carter Volkswagen is funding the planting of native trees on public lands in the Greenway in an innovative program to help offset the carbon footprint of their new cars. Carter makes a donation to plant one tree for every test drive, and an additional three trees for every car purchased. As part of the Mountains to Sound Greenway ecological restoration program, volunteers and conservation corps crews clear invasive plants from each site, plant the trees each fall and winter and care for the trees for their first three years to ensure their best chance of survival. The Greenway Trust welcomes individuals or groups of volunteers for outdoor restoration events throughout the year.
To learn more about Carter’s efforts, visit: