BIPOC Outdoors and Conservation Careers Resource Guide

This list is a roundup of resources to help self-identified Black, Indigenous, and People of Color break into outdoors and conservation careers at varying skill levels. These recommendations range from science-based conservation scholarships to avalanche training for future leaders looking to build a career in the outdoors space.

University of Washington Wetland Management Scholarship

 The scholarship covers course fees for adult learners in the Wetland Science & Management program and several other certificate programs that can help those enter the non-profit space within the world of conservation. This 9-month program explores the ecological functions of wetland environments and gives participants in-depth training on how to assess and restore these important environments. Learn more

Trail Mixed Collective

This organization aims to make outdoor sports accessible throughout the year for women of color,  trans-women of color, and non-binary folks of color with an affinity to women. They host meet-ups, gear swaps, and beginner-friendly events that will get you on mountainous terrain with the right gear. Learn more

Blackbird BIPOC Avalanche Course Scholarship

Learn how to handle the backcountry with these avalanche-focused scholarships through Blackbird Mountain Guides. Courses bring participants out in the field to learn foundational skills needed for future guides to make the right decisions on avalanche terrain in Washington. They combine an interactive online course with several days at Mt Baker or Snoqualmie Pass to prepare future leaders in avalanche survival, safety, and rescue.  Learn more

Wild Fish For All Scholarship

This scholarship targets BIPOC who are passionate about reviving wild fish populations through conservation. This scholarship is geared toward anyone with academic or work experience in fisheries science, conservation, or policy. Learn more

NOLS Instructor-in-Training Program

This action-packed program will bring self-identified Black, Indigenous, and People of Color out to Wyoming for a several-weeks long expedition through mountains and canyons. This mentorship and training program builds wilderness, leadership, and teaching skills necessary to work in the outdoor education field. Folks in this program gain experience in how to run operational support for a large-scale wilderness education program, as well as participate in a one-week canyon expedition and Wilderness First Responder (WFR) training. Learn more

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