A Place Like No Other
A little more than 20 years ago, a group of visionaries came together to make a plan. The plan was to create a Greenway along Interstate 90. With lots of hard work, dedication and collaboration, this dream has become reality. We have an incredible Greenway in our backyards, complete with networks of trails, open spaces, vibrant communities, working farms and forests, opportunities to learn and people like YOU. Your support has made all the difference in the world in making the Greenway a reality. Together, we have created something truly special and unique to this region.
But the work is not over just yet. Not in the slightest!
In fact, we are working to ensure that this gem of a landscape, this “place like no other,” remains a constant part of our regional geography forever. That means it’s time to make the Greenway official. And for us, this means seeking a National Heritage Area designation by the U.S. Congress for the Greenway.
We have spent recent years studying the best way to make this special place official. Findings from an extensive study helped us conclude that a National Heritage Area is the appropriate way to officially recognize the Mountains to Sound Greenway. This type of recognition will strengthen a sense of place, enhance funding opportunities, empower partners to work together more efficiently, and formalize the Greenway coalition’s cooperative management style across this broad landscape.
This is a great undertaking and there are many ways you can help. You can spread the word, collaborate, and voice your support. We look forward to working with you on this very special project!